"RGB File Finder" is an application that searches a folder and all sub-folders for 'TIFF' and 'EPSF' files that are in RGB mode rather than CMYK.
Why is there a need for such a program? How often in a DTP application do you run the plates for an ad only later to discover that someone forgot to convert one or more of the images from RGB to CMYK mode? As you know, this causes the image to print on the black plate only, when it should have been printed on all four. At best you will have to rerun the plates, costing you time and money. At worst the person(s) responsible for checking the plates missed the mistake, it went to print, and your client may decide not to pay for the job, costing you LOTS of time and money.
Use "RGB File Finder" to search the directories on your HD where you store your art. After you launch "RGB File Finder" the first time, select "Preferences╔" from the "Edit" menu to set the search criteria. "RGB File Finder" creates a preference file with your settings. Changes take effect immediately, so you do not have to relaunch after changing preference settings. For clues on how to set the preferences, see the file "Setting Preferences."
To start the search, press the button named "Search" at the bottom of the dialog and select a directory to scan. If "RGB File Finder" finds a 'TIFF' or 'EPSF' file that matches your search criteria, it will stop, beep three times and flash a warning icon. The Search button also changes to a button named "Continue." To continue the search, press this button. To stop a search in progress, type Command-period or press the Escape key.
"RGB File Finder" will now list the directory it found the file in. The path is displayed in the text box at the top of the dialog along with the file name. "RGB File Finder" will display the path for any file it finds and will continue to display the path until it finds another file or until it is through searching.
I am currently working on a feature that will list the files "RGB File Finder" finds in a window. It will enable you to double click on a file to launch the application that created it. This will allow you to make the proper changes. I know I promised this with this release, but I am having a little trouble getting my custom 'LDEF' working the way I want it to, so please be patient. I have read all of your suggestions via E-mail and Snail-mail, and I greatly appreciate them. Please keep them coming.
"RGB File Finder" may stop on files that it thinks are RGB but are actually in CYMK mode. For hints on why, see the file "Updates" that came with "RGB File Finder."
"RGB File Finder" is Shareware NOT Freeware. If you like the program, I would like you to send me something. I think five dollars is more than fair. This version still contains some code for the search algorithm that was written by Joe Zobkiw for his program "Scanning Module." I have received Joe's permission to use his code. If you would like to take a look at Joe's code or just need to read a good programming book, the CD ROM with Joe's program and other great code is bundled with:
"Ultimate Mac Programming" by Dave Mark.
ISBN 1-56884-195-7
Published by Programmers Press, a Division of IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
If you don't think "RGB File Finder" is worth the Shareware fee, I would like you to at least send me a postcard, letter, or E-Mail, and tell me what you think of "RGB File Finder" and/or what you would want in a future version. Any questions or comments can be sent to me at:
Snail Mail
Paul Reznick
1535 S. Marie
Westland, MI 48186
AOL: PRzeznik (PRzeznik@aol.com)
Compuserve: 72154,2710
Adobe PhotoShop¬ is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe Systems is in no way responsible or connected with "RGB File Finder." If you have a problem with "RGB File Finder" contact me, NOT THEM!
"RGB File Finder" is Shareware. It may be copied and distributed for individual use provided that all documentation and files are included and unmodified. "RGB File Finder" CANNOT be distributed for profit by any individual or company and CANNOT be bundled with any product that is sold for profit without my permission. I reserve all rights to this and any future versions of "RGB File Finder."
I have tested "RGB File Finder" as much as I possibly could to make sure that it works correctly, but I in no way promise it to be bug-free and I cannot be held responsible for any problems you may have with it. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!